What Happens If You Vitamin D Is Low

What Happens If You Vitamin D Is Low

You Don't Want a
Normal Vitamin D Level...
Here's Why

Ask your doctor what aNormal Vitamin D Level is and, likely, he won't even know the right name of the Vitamin D blood test to look up to find the answer. Most likely, he won't even know why you want the vitamin d blood test in the first place! But because you will have read this, you will have the information you'll need to educate your self and your doctor on the overwhelming amount of Vitamin D research that shows what aNormal Vitamin D Level and a Low Vitamin D Level is. Most often there are no Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency until it is too late and you have a serious chronic illness,that you probably haven't even related to the Low Vitamin D Level in the first place.

And even though Vitamin D isVERY safe and rarely has any problems with Vitamin D Overdose or toxicity, there is a small chance of taking too much. But unless you are takingVERY large doses of Vitamin D for extremely long periods of time, most people should have their Vitamin D levels checked, not because the level might be too high, but because you probably have Vitamin D Deficiency.  In other words, your Vitamin D Blood Test willlikely be too low - even if you are otherwise healthy! Either way, having your Vitamin D levels checked and knowing what a normal Vitamin D level is, is extremely important for your health.

How to Order a Vitamin D Test

First of all, the Vitamin D blood test is called

  • Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy level
  • 25(OH)D levelthat's a letter O and not the number zero.

You don't want to have a Normal Vitamin D Level. You want an optimal level.

Come armed to your doctor's appointment with this information in the likely event that he doesn't know the name of the blood test for Vitamin D. If your doctor doesn't Understand Blood Test Results - you might get the wrong test. There is another blood test for Vitamin D, called:

  • Vitamin D, 1,25 Dihydroxy level


  • 1,25(OH)(2)D.

The Dihydroxy test, while having a similar sounding name and is also often called a 'Vitamin D Level', does not test for the kind of vitamin D you get from food, sun, and supplements. ALL clinical trials and Vitamin D research are done using the Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy Test, and your doctor should use that one too.

What is a Normal Vitamin D Level?

The question that you REALLY want to know is,"what are OPTIMAL Vitamin D levels."Every laboratory has a 'reference range' that is unique and depends upon many different factors. Often they take a range of 'healthy' individuals and create an average range after excluding a certain percentage from the low range and the high range.Voila, they determined the normal Vitamin D level.

But in the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency page, you learned that a very high percentage of the population, has a low Vitamin D level; either from simply not getting enough, from poor Vitamin D Absorption, or not having the proper cofactors.

"Vigilance of one's vitamin D status
by the yearly measurement
of vitamin d 25 hydroxy level should be
part of an annual physical examination."

-Michael F. Holick, 'The Vitamin D Epidemic and its Health Consequences'

So, if you take a blood test for Vitamin D and get an average number for a group of people who are Vitamin D deficient, then you have numbers that are on the low side, right? One study summed this up very well by saying,

"Historically, a 'normal' nutritional vitamin D status has been defined as just about any circulating level of vitamin d 25 hydroxy in asymptomatic subjects."

And you don't want to have a low or even normal vitamin D blood test, you want to have anOPTIMAL vitamin d 25 hydroxy level. This is because the mounds of research on vitamin d show that different vitamin D levels can prevent the incidence of different diseases, such as are outlined on the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency page. If you have levels on the lower end of the chart, you'll leave yourself vulnerable to problems such as Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer that, research shows, higher vitamin D levels create lower incidences of.

So, What is an Optimal Level?

Well, there is Vitamin D research that addresses this question specifically, so we'll use these studies to help you to decide. The study  Vitamin D Status Indicators in Indigenous Populations in East Africa  is probably one of the most important works, as it most closely approximates what Vitamin D Levels our ancestors would have had. The study showed that the average Vitamin D Level of the indigenous adults studied studied was 42 ng/ml (106.8 nmol/L).

The study, 'Calcium and Vitamin D Diagnostics and Therapeutics' states,

"It is quite possible that there are two levels of vitamin D sufficiency. One level requires that the serum vitamin d 25 hydroxy levels be at least 20 ng/mL to satisfy the body's requirement for… calcium absorption, bone calcium mobilization and bone mineralization. The second level may need higher circulating levels of vitamin d 25 hydroxy for maximum cellular health..."

Normal Vitamin D Level Recommendations
Minimum Optimal (ng/ml) High End of Optimum (ng/ml) Toxic Level (ng/ml)
Vitamin D Council (ng/ml) 50 80
GrassrootsHealth (ng/ml) (ng/ml) 40 60
Dr. Mercola
50 65 >100 (excess)
The Use of Vitamin D in Clinical Practice
40 70 > 150

It's important to notice that the Normal Vitamin D level is reported in two ways: ng/ml or nmol/l. Translated, these mean 'nanograms per millileter' and 'nanomoles per liter'. It's much as if you reported your driving speed in miles per hour or kilometers per hour. They measure the same thing, but use different standards of measurement. If you need help to convert one of these numbers to the other, you can use this Vitamin D Calculator.

One thing to remember is that your doctor is used to reporting only 'abnormal' laboratory results to patients and they generally don't give out exact numbers because most patients don't know what the numbers mean.

But for those who want to be Understanding Blood Test Results, you need to ask your doctor for the exact number and have him tell you the units measured as nanograms per millileter or nanomoles per liter. That way there is no confusion.

What do you do if you have a Low Vitamin D serum level?

You shouldALWAYS discuss Vitamin D Therapy with your doctor in case there are reasons why you should not take these supplements and to keep him on board for your yearly Vitamin D serum level checks.

But most likely, he will not know what the current Vitamin D research says about Vitamin D supplementation – you might want to print out a copy of this page and the Vitamin D Dosage page, save a copy for yourself and give a copy to your doctor. Then, keep reading to find out which diseases you can be reducing your risk of by taking higher levels of Vitamin D.

Next --->
Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment

Advanced D Free Bottle

Frequently Asked Questions
About Vitamin D
How Much Should I Be Taking? What About Overdose?
What Does Vitamin D Do? What Causes Deficiency?
Don't Take That Prescription!? What Foods Have Vitamin D?

Normal Vitamin D Level Resources

  • 5000 IU Vitamin D 3 Supplements- Vitamin D3 is really theONLY vitamin d that you should be taking.
  • Get Vitamin D 3 in a clinically relevant dose for adults
  • Sunshine Mist Vitamin D Spray- This Vitamin D3 is GREAT for kids. Just a spray a day is all it takes.
  • The Vitamin D Solution: A 3-Step Strategy to Cure Our Most Common Health Problem - Take a look at this EYE OPENING book. This fascinating account of the health benefits of Vitamin D will keep you turning pages far into the night!

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About Vitamin D
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See Already Answered Questions about Vitamin D Blood Levels

Click below to see already answered questions about Vitamin D Blood Levels.

How much Vitamin D for a Level of 32
Our son just started taking a muli vitamin which has 800 mg of vitamin D. He has been complaining that his neck and back ache, along with a headache. …

How Do I Maintain my Vitamin D Levels?
I am an active runner and run about 25-30 miles a week. Last year I got stress fractures in my legs, so my doc prescribed 50,000 IU of Vitamin D2 - one …

How Do I Raise My Vitamin D Level?
I take a 30-45 min walk every morning with no sunscreen. I live in San Diego. I take approximately 1600 IU's of Vitamin D per day. I take 3200 mg of …

How fast can Vitamin D levels drop?
I was deficient in Vitamin D Nov 2011. The 25(OH) Hydroxy test revealed it was only 5.6 ng/ml. My doc advised me to take supplements (4000iU) and after …

Vit D test results
I just had my Vitamin D levels checked & I am confused about the measurement results. All of your levels are in ng/ml, but my results were Vit.D,1,25(OH)2 …

Anomalous Vitamin D Test Results
I started supplementing with 2000 IU/day of vitamin D3 in January 2009. I don't know what my blood D3 level was when I started. After seven months I …

High Level of Vit D3 tested
hi Kerry, Thanks for your service...1 1/2 years ago i had a Vit D3 test of 11ng/ml. I started taking 5500 units a day and 4 months later had 22ng/ml. …

Vitamin D results
I just received my Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy results and am concerned. Will you please review and determine if I need to take supplements or possibly perscribed …

What do my Vitamin D test results mean?
I've been diagnosed with extremely deficient Vitamin D levels over the past and was given a prescription of 50,000 mg/once weekly supplements to take. …

My Vitamin D count is high
I recently went to the ER as I was feeling very pulled down, lazy, no energy, feeling Nausea, feeling of fever, sweating in AC, body cramps, heavy breathing. …

Is my Vitamin D too low?
I have been exhausted for over 6 years, now. Fatigue is pretty much my only symptom. It started when I was in the best shape of my life, working out, …

Normal Vitamin D Level for a Teenager
my daughter has to take vitamin d 2000 daily my question is what is her normal level suppose to be i was told her vitamin d level is low like 11 or 12 …

Abnormal Vitamin D Blood Levels
I have been having some problems with hair loss, fatigue, leg cramps, joint pain, redness on cheeks and nose, palpitations, frequent pleurisy or pneumonia …

Vitamin D Level of ZERO
I'm a 32 yr old female in the UK. I've experienced many years of tiredness, aches, pains and hair loss -but i plodded on thinking that it was life in general. …

Vit D level 18.35 ng/E/ml
I am an RN as well. I would like to get your opinion on something. I had a Vitamin D level drawn last week, result 18.35. My physician's office just called …

Vitamin D Level of 5
I am 60yr.old female. Heart attack age 29. Triple bypass in 1995. Now my vitamin d level is 5.7. Very surprised at how low it is. How serious is my …

My Vitamin D Level is 10.8 Very Low
Can low Vitamin D cause fatigue and can the fatigue lead to weight gain? If I get on 50,000 Units of Vitamin D can that result in more energy which would …

Osteopenia with a 27 vitamin D level
I am a 52 years old overweight female with a family history of Osteoporosis. I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where we have lots of sun. Unfortunately,test …

Vitamin D,25 Hydroxy Total
This is what the test says vitamin d, 25-OH, total 18 ng/ml 30-100 vitamin d,25-OH,D2 <4 ng/ml vitamin d, 25-OH D3 18 …

How can my vitamin D level improve SO fast?
I had posted a while ago and you kindly answered back, so i am giving it a go again.I am 28 years old female from France but I live in England. In …

Shocked to See that My Vitamin D Level is 13
I got my vitamin D level checked I was quite shocked I'm 22 years old female and vitamin D level is 13 ng/ml It has been 3 months I have started …

Vitamin D 18- chronic pain- Relieve my fears please
I have chronic leg pain primarily when sitting or laying down. I am a new mom and fear I am suffering from something REALLY REALLY bad. I had a DVT which …

Finally, A Good Vitamin D Level
Yippee! After battling a vitamin D deficiency for 2 years, finally a level of 68! My doctor had me taking 4000 IU daily, but I went off on my own and …

Vitamin D Blood Test of 7
For the past year or so every time I went to my doctor for anything, he would make the observation that my thyroid was enlarged, yet test always showed …


Lowest Vitamin D Level Compatible with Life
About 2 months ago, my PCP tested my vitamin D level because of my diagnosis of fibromyalgia and extreme fatigue. My level was 6. That's right--SIX!! …

Could Low Vitamin D Levels Be Inherited?
I am 43 and my mom is 63 and my daughter is 12. My mom has suffered with joint & muscle pain, depression, and a multitude of other symptoms for years. …

Vitamin D Level of 25
I had my Vitamin D level tested and it was 25. My rheumatologist put me on 50,000 iu per week for 8 weeks. I had another blood test after the 8 weeks, …

What do Vit D Blood test results of 103 ng/ml mean?
I live in the Himalayas of India and have been an author who seldom stepped out of the house and was clearly Vit D deficient. I had no blood tests done …

Dont know who to believe about Vitamin D
I have always had aches and pains, however the last year the aches and pains have increased, I have swelling on my right knee, fatigue, hair falling out, …

Vitamin D Level of 12
My vitamin d level is 12. It was discovered in a physical. Last physical I had was 2 years prior and the vitamin d level was normal. I live in Southern …

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My Doctor Says My Vitamin D Level Is Perfect...
My vitamin D results just came back and I am a little confused. The test results were reported by LabCorp. My vitamin D level is 36.4 ng/ml. For LabCorp, …

Is a Vitamin D Level of 10 Bad?
I went to the doctor (endocrinologist) he ordered my blood work and this time because my Lupus was acting up, he ordered vitamin D to be checked. It was …

Severe Vitamin D Deficiency
I just had vitamin D test done and the results are as follows VIT D, 25-HYDROXY D2 HOW you say it. Whether you are mild, moderate, or severe. We …

My Vitamin D level came back 16.
My doctor thought I might have a vitamin D deficiency based on my depression, tiredness and chronic hip pain so he ordered a vitamin D test. It came back …

Vitamin D Level of 28 nmol/L
I have tested my vitamin 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3 level and it is 28 nmol/l and the normal range is written on the result paper to be 75-200 nmol/L,and 11 …

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I was told my Vitamin D level is 19 ?? That sounds very very low to me! My doctor recommended 50,000 IU's of vitamin D per week. Is this normal?? …

Vitamin D Level of 8
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Vitamin D Test Results
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Safe level of Vitamin D in the blood for Women
I would like to know what is the safe level of Vitamin D in the blood. what is the correct reading range for a women in her 50's? Photo by Looking …

My Vitamin D level is 36
I talked to my endocrinologist she thinks that my level of 36 ng/ml is fine. She is terrified of D toxicity - I take D3 50000IU every 3 weeks and in 4 …

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My daughter's vitamin level on her last two blood tests were 125 and 121, what is normal and what should be the next step taken? see an endocrinologist? …

Fasting Vitamin D Level
My Doctor said my level is 12? I'm going for a fasting blood test tommorrow? Is 12 very low? Will the fasting test be more accurate? Photo …

What is My Vitamin D Level Supposed to Be?
My vitamin D level is 64. Doctor was stunned. My blood is 16. He figures I absorb and retain my food intake incredibly well. I am low in potassium …

Vitamin D2 Level
My doctor ordered Vitamin D lab tests. The results were written as: 25-Hydroxy D2 <4.0 ng/mL (no normal range was given). 25-Hydroxy D3 40 ng/mL …

How Low is my Vitamin D Level
I had a blood test and my vitamin D level was 28.2 the doctor said it was low. How low IS my vitamin D level? Photo by Lhoon …

low vitamin d level
My vitamin d level is 15, what am I in danger of if it does not increase in a timely matter? What symptoms will my body exhibit? I am a 49 …

Vitamin D Level of 23
I had a blood test and my Vitamin D Level is 23 ng/ml. Could that be the reason that I am constantly exhausted and even more depressed then normal?

Vitamin D Level of 6
I just got my test results back & my Vitamin D level is 6 ng/ml. My doctor told me to take 10,000iu per day. How long will it take for me to start …

My Vitamin D Serum Level is 16
I had a Vitamin D blood test that showed my Vitamin D Serum Level is 16 ng/ml and my doctor told me to take 2000 IU's of Vitamin D per day. I also …

My vitamin D level is 17!
Great Site by the way. I'm happy that I finally found one that gives some valuable insight into this unlikely deficiency. I have had quite a few things …

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What Happens If You Vitamin D Is Low

Source: https://www.easy-immune-health.com/Normal-Vitamin-D-level.html


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